AM I alone in feeling that Wirral Borough Council has declared war on its citizens?

Residents in Liscard being invited to pay to park outside their own homes.

Friends being fined for driving at 27 mph on wide empty roads that have been 30 mph for 80 years.

Car park charges that will drive ever more people to retail parks and away from high streets such as Allport road Bromborough to the detriment of local businesses and drive a dagger to the heart of facilities such as Bebington Civic Library.

Ludicrous cycle lanes and ‘active travel’ schemes that no one uses (Note to council, just because the money is from National government doesn’t make it any less of a shameful waste of resources and money – just image the social housing that could be built or facilities for the greater good of society that could be funded by the cessation of these projects where tumbleweed almost literally blows down them).

The long pedestrianised part of Grange Road Birkenhead is proudly trumpeted as part of 'Core Network' for active travel. I think it is time for citizens to start getting active and wrest control from the zealots.

Oh, and the ‘climate emergency’ commissar might like to comment on the recent Wirral Globe article that stated that there are in fact no areas on the Wirral that have unacceptable air quality.

Time for people to start attending local council meetings to call out this madness?

‘Concerned Resident’, by email