THE definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting different results.

Yet, here we are, watching our Council (again), pushing forward with plans most of us don’t want, pretending to listen.

History tells us all we need to know.

The Council didn’t listen when they scrapped the proposed golf course after wasting time and resources.

They didn’t listen when they poured £32million into unwanted 20 mph zones.

They didn’t listen when they suggested the parking charge at West Kirby front.

They didn’t listen when they built the pointless Fender Lane cycleway (and then 'lost' the usage data).

And they still aren’t listening when residents complain about crumbling roads and unsafe pavements.

Now, with these new cycle lanes, should we be surprised they aren’t listening again?

Kudos to Ted Weedon for calling out what’s obvious to everyone but the Council: cycling isn’t a practical solution for the majority; we have cars.

Yet, here we are, facing another round of misguided policies.

Some of the 74% of us against these lanes likely voted for this Council.

It's time we connect the dots. Blindly voting for a party without considering its track record leads to a Council that consistently ignores its people.

It’s time to vote for a Council that listens.

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