GLOBE readers will be aware that a 'consultation' is taking place about the imposition of more 20mph speed limits on Wirral's' roads, which the council are calling 'phase three and four'.

In my view the 20mph limit is not necessary.

If imposed on more roads then it will lead to many drivers ignoring these and other limits. It will also cause some congestion which in itself may lead to accidents.

If you go to the Wirral 'Have Your Say' consultation website you will see that the consultation ends on September 25.

That deadline is misleading as the proposed limits for phase three and four have been split over 33 or so areas, and the consultation for most of these areas has already passed.

The consultation is in any case a farce as it is not possible to oppose all of the areas.

You have to pick one area, and once you have commented on that it will say that the survey is complete.

You can do the survey again and pick another area, but it seems that if you do so then what you did previously may be overwritten.

Even if there had been a proper consultation, it is likely that the result would be ignored anyway as our rulers in the town hall and at Westminster are anti-car and determined to hurt drivers. It is not just the speed limits.

They make driving more difficult and increase congestion by the priority given to cyclists and other measures to reduce usable road space and make driving more hazardous.

On the Wirral we also suffer from the exorbitant tolls to cross the river and there is a rumour that the new Government will announce the introduction of a lot more tolls through some form of 'road pricing' or 'pay-per-mile'.

I urge all Wirral drivers to contact their local councillors to voice their opposition to the 20mph limits and other anti -driver measures.

If your voice is ignored then perhaps we need to start thinking about how to replace our current set of politicians with people who are not so anti-driver.

John McGoldrick, Greasby