IT was interesting to read a lot of readers' mixed responses to the election result and lethargy of UK citizens able to vote, in the Globe last week.

I went off to the local shops following the election result 'wide-eyed and bushy-tailed' hoping that the country was about to change for the better.

However my hopes were soon dashed- seeing as usual - vehicles parked on double yellow lines and two vehicles go through the traffic lights on red.

I then proceeded to pick up five pieces of discarded litter from the pavement and put them in the near at hand litter bin. I also watched two healthy contractors eating their lunch parked in a 'disabled bay' - outside a Supermarket.

On my way home I was tailgated in the 20mph zone and observed an Electric Bike doing wheelies on the pedestrian sidewalk.

Given one of the first decisions of the new Government is to early release prisoners will only exacerbate the above as it sends a signal to 'carry on breaking the law'.

Unfortunately Governments might change but some people’s bad habits don’t.

'Concerned of Bromborough', by email