COUNCILLOR Pat Glasman's response of April 27 to my letter (April 13) was curious as it was no response at all.

It was another pathetic tirade of platitude, fantasy and spin that failed to answer any of the points I had made.

1) She/he never explained why the old-fashioned, inappropriate and ugly architecture was chosen to blight New Brighton for decades to come.

2) Why no competition was allowed in the design process and why Neptune were just handed the contract-a deeply suspicious state of affairs and totally undemocratic.

3) Why two handsome, period hotels were trashed to make way for the ugly monster now blocking out the sea views on the promenade.

4) Why another Supermarket was allowed which, following all available evidence from other areas in the UK, will destroy the local shops and businesses. Pat Glasman boasts that 'many' (not most) people 'welcome the Supermarket'. On what evidence does she/he base this opinion? Everyone I've spoken to think it a grave mistake.

5) And now, to cap it all, we are informed that a casino is being built in New Brighton.

It has long been recognised by responsible authorities that associated with casinos are the added attractions of crime, drugs and prostitution.

This rather flies in the face of Councillor Glasman's assertion that they are "celebrating the best of the past as well as building for the future."

So, here we all are, sold down the river yet again by the desperate dogsbodies who claim to be our representatives and protectors.

John Sage, New Brighton.