AT the New Brighton model boating lake I was interviewed by Peter Marshall of the BBC for about half an hour, concerning the ban on steam and petrol-powered model boats.

He was informed that members of the New Brighton Model Boat Club have a £5million insuarance policy, which states that members may not be insured for using these units.

We are confined to electric motors or sail.

In the BBC news that evening this explanation was not even mentioned, even though he asked the same question at least four times.

When asked the reason why, I told him that petrol could catch fire and, in the wrong hands, a steam boiler could explode.

There is at least one model boater in Wirral who has been in the unfortunate position of having a boiler blow up in his face. It is no joke.

On good days at the lake we have large numbers of children and parents and it is for their protection that the insurance company has placed the ban.

If non-members insist on using petrol or steam units, then I sincerely hope that they have suitable insurance coverage and the necessary fitness certificates for their equipment as I should hate to be responsible for injuring a child or parent enjoying the facilities of the lake.

Alan G Dean, President of New Brighton Model Boat Club