IN response to the Mailbox letter by P Hobby 'Irritated by Wirral drivers' 'baby on board' signs' I would like to say I am thankful you are a former driving instructor and you are not still teaching young drivers like myself.

To let something so small and unnecessary bother you so much I find that a little worrying that you have a licence let alone taught others to drive.

Having a small sign saying a child is on board can often prevent other drivers from being so reckless on the roads.

Unless it is now illegal to have these signs within a vehicle you have paid for I don't see what the issues is!

I have never read anywhere that these signs are dangerous and have caused paramedics to search for children in vehicles when accidents occur. I feel you have just tried to support your 'rant' with unnecessary and non-existent facts.

As for suggesting these signs cause problems because they annoy other road users surely if something so small causes so much agitation and results in a driver taking focus off the road and their driving then they should not have passed their driving test.

As you are a former driving instructor, I thought you may have of understood the importance of road safety? If someone was driving 'dangerously' behind your vehicle then seen a learner was on board I am sure you then wouldn't complain.

Also look at driving instructors' vehicles covered in promotions all over their vehicles, light up roof signs and many other things posted all other their vehicles yet you have nothing to say about that?

Calm down before you end up causing a motorway smash due to your road rage.

A Higginson, Wallasey.