From P. W:-

THE Waterpark Road area in Prenton appears to be being used as a toilet by most of the dogs in the area. We do not, as far as I know, have a problem with stray dogs, and the side roads seem to suffer far less, so I am forced to conclude that local dog owners see Waterpark Road as a convenient convenience!

I would like to know when the last time someone was actually prosecuted for letting their dog foul the pavement? Putting up a few notices is not good enough, you are merely appealing to the better nature of people who obviously do not have one.

If dog owners are being prosecuted successfully, why is this not given a higher profile? 'Name them and shame them' please.

Waterpark Road needs a good clean up. Many stretches of the pavement are narrow and it is often impossible to negotiate a clear path, particularly if one is with young children or a pushchair. My patience was finally exhausted the other night, when whilst walking home with my family, my wife slipped and fell heavily after treading in a pile of the offending filth. Luckily she was not injured, otherwise you would be facing a prosecution for damages from me.

I do not want to hear about a lack of funds or resources. Every year I pay more Council Tax and get less for it. I want something dozen about this problem now. Clean up the road. Find and prosecute the offenders, and make sure everyone knows about it when people have been prosecuted.

Waterpark Road,


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