YOUNG Matthew Holden received a special birthday present, during a school assembly, when he won a Good Citizenship Award, for caring for his mum.

Matthew, a pupil at Bidston Avenue Primary School in Birkenhead, was only nine when he was nominated for the BT-sponsored award, which is part of the Foundation for Citizenship.

Matthew, just 10, received his award for the help he gives to his partially-sighted mother.

In the nomination Bidston Avenue headmaster Barry Dawson wrote: " Matthew has always been there for his mum, to help in many ways. He has gone everywhere with her - shops, hospital visits - and he does jobs around the house. He handles her mail and writes letters. He has always been reliable and never grumbles."

Presenting the award to an awe-struck Matthew, BT technician John Conway, told Matthew's schoolmates and teachers that it takes a special kind of person to win a Good Citizenship Award.

He said: "I am told that Matthew does a great deal for his mum, in all sorts of ways. It's great to be able to give him the award and I am sure that his mum and the school are very proud of him."

Matthew with the good Citizenship Award presented by BT technician John Conway and Headmaster Barry Dawson.

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