SHOCK news left district nurse Norma Ovens feeling over the moon, on Friday.

Norma, who lives in Wallasey and works for Wirral Community Trust, is used to things happening out of the blue, but even she was quite unprepared for the telephone call which told her she was this week's £2,000 jackpot winner in the St John's Hospice in Wirral Weekly Lottery!

"I was so excited, my husband thought I was upset when he told me I was crying on his answering machine at work!" said Norma, who pronounces her surname as Orvens - not OVENS!

"St John's Hospice is such a wonderful cause and I know because I am a district nurse myself."

Norma, who is based at Mill Lane, Wallasey, and husband Colin, a computer systems manager, have two daughters, aged 25 and 17.

So what will she be doing with her windfall? "I will be paying for my daughters' holidays and give some money to my mum. Then there will be nothing left!" she told me.

Each week throughout the year, the St John's Hospice lottery computer selects at random the 54 numbers which share the £3,000 weekly prize money - a top prize of £2,000, second prize of £500, third prize of £100, fourth prize of £50, 20 £10 winners and 30 £5 winners.

The winning numbers are published each week in the Wirral Globe. People can join by completing the form at the foot of the winning numbers advert. Membership of the lottery, open to people, aged 16 or over, costs £1 per week.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.