THE headteacher of a boy who died in a road accident with a bus last week has paid tribute to him and talked of the 'shock' felt at the school.

David Ford, aged 15, from Carr Bridge Road, Woodchurch, died on Upton Road at its junction with Noctorum Avenue, Upton, last Tuesday night. He died of multiple injuries.

Mrs Beryl Holt, Headteacher of Woodchurch School, told the Globe that teachers and pupils were "shocked and saddened at this tragic loss".

"David was a popular pupil with lots of friends. He enjoyed a laugh and a joke and was always smiling," said Mrs Holt. "Outside school he enjoyed a kick-around with his mates. Mr Daly, who taught him English, was his favourite teacher. He took David under his wing and spent a lot of time helping him."

Staff and pupils from Woodchurch will be attending David's funeral and will be holding a service to honour his memory. They will also be lining the street at the time of the funeral and his form group will be planting a tree to remember him by.

An inquest has been opened and adjourned.

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