THE FIRST lesson you learn at Lyndale Avenue Primary is humility. The second is unconditional love, writes features editor Michelle Corbett.

There are 52 pupils at this outwardly unassuming school. Every one of them is special - and not just because of their undoubted disadvantages and limit-ations.

But because they literally light up the room when they smile.

And if together we can raise the £30,000 needed for their sensory garden, it would make a world of difference to these kids, everyday lives.

Head teacher Pat Stewart said: "I can't begin to tell you what this garden would mean to us. As staff we are all passionate about making sure the children get the education they are entitled to. The garden is a perfect way to make learning challenging and fun."

For some children their problems lie in communication difficulties or with their behaviour. Patience and persistence are virtues the staff have in bucket loads and that is why the school is a success.

Pat said: "Special needs children can still achieve, it's just that their goals are different to those youngsters who are in in mainstream schools.

"When one of our babies learns to hold eye contact for five seconds we see it as something to celebrate and if we can help a child to take his or her first steps, we're all in tears with joy."

The children at Lyndale follow the national curriculum - it's just that it is a multi-sensory one, using a wide range of visually attractive resources.

"We have been very blessed inside the building, with a swimming pool, light room and soft play area for the children to use," Pat says.

"But now we've got to the stage where we want to use the outdoor area to support the curriculum."

A sloping expanse of grass to the rear of the school is the place Pat has in mind for a 'sensory garden'. Thanks to financing provided by local businesses, Ground Work Wirral has been contracted to design plans for the garden in consultation with the children, parents, and the local community.

"The inspiration for this garden came from our Deputy Head Dave Jones who sadly passed away this summer.

"Globe readers can make Dave's vision, which has become the dreams of all our children, come true," said Pat.

Please help Lyndale achieve its dream. All donations can be sent to The Lyndale School Sensory Garden Account, HSBC Bank, Sort Code 40-15-04, account number 816 498 17.