WE'RE just one week into our appeal to raise cash for a sensory garden for special needs kids, and already our big-hearted readers are digging deep to make the dream come true!

Lyndale Avenue Primary is hoping to put a smile on their pupil's faces with a specially designed garden - and thanks to your generosity over the New Year period our appeal has had a fantastic kick-start.

News of our sensory garden appeal has delighted Wirral South MP Ben Chapman who said: "I think it's an excellent cause for the Globe to support. I've visited the school on a number of occasions and have always been impressed by the team of dedicated people who do super work for kids with particular needs. They approach their work with affection and professionalism.

'The idea of creating a sensory garden is wonderful and very exciting. I'm sure it will bring the children great pleasure."

Over the coming weeks the Globe will be bringing you regular updates on how our appeal is progressing, as well as introducing you to some of the children who are going to benefit so much from the garden.

If you're planning a sponsored activity to raise cash and help the kids of Lyndale get their garden, give us a call on 0151 906 3051 and let us know. We'd love to share your efforts with other Wirral Globe readers.

Remember - every single penny counts. No matter how big or small your donation, you can make a difference!

If you would like to send a donation to the gharden appeal, please send cheques to the Lyndale School Sensory Garden Account, HSBC Bank, Sort Code 40-15-04, Account Number 816 498 17.