ON reading the letters about Arrowe Park Hospital (Mailbox, October 13), I would like to add my own positive comments.

A fortnight ago, I had an appointment at the dental department and so I took the morning off work. I arrived slightly earlier than my allotted appointment time and was taken straight into a room to fill in some personal details. From there, I was sent to the X-ray department and then I saw the dentist with the results. He made his diagnosis and sent me for a blood test.

This whole process took only one hour, which I was most impressed with.

In addition, I also gave birth to my first baby at Arrowe Park in February and we both had to stay in hospital for eight days due to my daughter contracting a virus. The midwives were all fantastic and I ended up feeling more like I was in a welcoming guest house than a hospital!

I decided to write to the hospital with my thanks and so I had a look on their website for the correct contact. Unfortunately, in their 'contact us' section they detailed the complaints process - but made no provision for the fact that some people do sometimes praise positive experiences.

Joanna Smith

(address supplied)