THOUSANDS of Wirral people are expected to gather at memorials across the borough to pay special tribute to those who have lost their lives in war on Sunday, November 14.

Services are taking place at the following times and venues. 10am: The Cenotaph, Pasture Road, Moreton; 10am: St. Barnabas Church, Bromborough; 10.30am: St. Oswald's Church, Bidston; 10.45am: Grange Hill, West Kirby; 10.30am: St. Andrew's Church, Bebington; 10.45am: St. Peter's Church, Lower Village, Heswall, followed by wreath-laying at The Mount, Heswall; 10.45am: War Memorial on the Promenade, New Brighton; 10.45am: War Memorial outside the Public Library, Ford Road in Upton; 10.50am: Prenton United Reformed Church, Prenton Road West, Prenton; 10.55am: The Cenotaph, Hamilton Square, Birkenhead. 2.30pm: War Memorial at Thornton Hough.

Mayor of Wirral, Cllr Hilary Jones, said: "On Sunday, we shall remember those who have given their lives for their country, not only in two world wars but in many areas of conflict since then, to enable future generations to live in peace and freedom."

She urged readers to give generosuly to the British Legion appeal and to "Wear your poppy with pride."