WIRRAL Council is looking to make improvements on one of its main routes linking Birkenhead and Wallasey.

The proposals for Duke Street include the introduction of a new, signalised pedestrian crossing at the junction with Price Street in Birkenhead to improve safety and convenience for pedestrians and the installation of ‘wand orca’ bollards to segregate vehicles from cyclists along the existing cycle lanes on both sides of the road.

A spokesperson for Wirral Council said: "Duke Street is one of the key transport routes connecting Birkenhead and Wallasey and improving this corridor for all users will provide more effective traffic management, encourage the use of active travel and support regeneration by better connecting development sites at Wirral Waters to Birkenhead Park railway station."

An eight-week public consultation exercise on the proposals began on Wednesday, November 13. 

People will also be asked their opinion on a further plan to amend the existing double yellow lines - Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) – at locations where there are not double yellow lines already to improve safety and parking management. Additional white lining and ‘buff’ coloured surface treatment will also be installed.

The Duke Street scheme was first subject to public consultation in 2021. However, this updated plan now includes further measures at the Duke Street/Price Street junction that were not included in the earlier consultation. This, and the fact that more than two years have passed, means a new consultation is needed.

Feedback provided in 2021 will not be included in this consultation, so people will need to resubmit their objections or support for the ideas.

If the proposals are taken forward, the works will be funded via the Department for Transport’s Active Travel Fund. This funding can only be spent on proposals that help create an environment that is safe for all road users and helps embed this as part of long-term commuting habits. The proposals are not funded by Council Tax revenue.

To contribute to the consultation, visit haveyoursay.wirral.gov.uk. Alternatively, if you require documentation in another format or need support completing the survey, you can email activetravelprojects@wirral.gov.uk