WORK is due to start soon on the creation of the first playground on a Wirral estate residents feel often “gets targeted for the wrong reasons.” It’s hoped the new playground will be the legacy of a 10-year £1m project to improve the area and put things “in a positive light.”

Ground Inc were recently awarded a £150,000 contract by Wirral Council to build a new playground on the Beechwood estate as part of the Big Local programme. Big Local, through money from the Local Trust, has funded a number of community initiatives including bringing in an ice rink, soft play facilities, gardening projects, setting up a boxing club and a group for older people, as well as events and other activities.

The funding is specifically for areas that don’t often get funding. According to an officer decision published on September 23, the playground off Fender Way will include things like a multi-play unit, swings, a roundabout, a see saw and a springer as well as more outside of a fenced area “providing increased play opportunities for a wider range of ages and abilities.”

Linda Finn, co-chair of Big Local, said the new facilities next to a skate park would provide somewhere to go for children of all ages, adding: “There’s lots of things we are trying to celebrate. Most places you go now you have to pay.”

She said: “It’s all about bringing the community together and rebuilding those relationships. It’s about all the members of our community, bringing those young people and older people together and trying to make that difference.

“I think it gives hope to other areas that are struggling. I know it’s coming to an end now but would they look and think that has been quite successful and do it in other areas.”

Community engagement has been a key part of the project working with local schools and parents on what the playground would look like. Linda said: “I never feel the need that we have to put our name out there. It’s our community. If something needs doing, we just do it. We do not want praise or accolades. We just want to do things in this area.

“It’s a good place to live, it really is. The parents up here, their kids’ futures, that is something they really care about. If it was that bad, why haven’t they all buggered off? It’s a good community and they work together.”

Kelly Court, who works for the Community Foundation Merseyside, has been supporting the investment. She said: “It’s putting something in a positive light. It’s giving people somewhere to go and bring the parents together,” adding: “For us it’s a massive legacy that is hopefully there for a long time.”

The new project is being supported by all three councillors for the area Cllr Julie McManus, Liz Grey and Brian Kenny. Cllr Kenny said: “One of things we have tried to do all along is to bring something positive to the area, to bring in good things to do.

“It will be well used and looked after by the people in this area. The Beechwood suffers from a negative image but we are trying to change that and bring a positive image to the area, something for people to come and have fun.”

Many of the projects funded by Big Local have given opportunities for children and people of all ages they might not ordinarily have. Cllr Kenny said he remembers during a gardening project, one child had said he’d never touched soil before.

The playground is intended to be a permanent reminder of Big Local’s investment. Cllr Kenny said: “What we don’t want to be saying is it was something that was here today and is gone tomorrow. We want people to remember it. That is the type of legacy we want.

“It’s hard to dispel the narratives that people have. They seem to think it’s a depressing place and it’s not. There are some fantastic people and the people in this area deserve something positive.”