PROGRESS of the regeneration of Birkenhead is continuing and updated proposals on a number of ongoing schemes will be shared with Wirral residents.

Wirral Council will be sharing a masterplan for Birkenhead Central - which covers the Town Centre retail area, Charing Cross and the new Commercial District - alongside an updated masterplan for St Werburgh’s, and a progress update on the multimillion investment into the Birkenhead Waterfront project, which aims to better connect the regeneration at Woodside with the other town centre schemes through Hamilton Square and Argyle Street.

The masterplans form planning documents for the future development of large parts of Birkenhead.

Through these the council is seeking to maximise the prospects for the central Birkenhead area with a focus on attracting more people into the town centre and increasing leisure and residential opportunities alongside boosting new north / south routes and placing an emphasis on walking and cycling infrastructure.

Work is already underway to regenerate Birkenhead and locals will be aware of initial public realm and walking / cycling improvements taking place along Europa Boulevard and Conway Street and at Grange Road and Charing Cross.

Design proposals for a new market space have recently been shared and a £10million project to install a new ferry linkspan and pontoon is also underway at Woodside Ferry Terminal.

Cllr Tony Jones, Chair of the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee, said: “This is another major step forward in our plans to revitalise the town centre and breathe new life into its business and retail spaces.

“I hope people take the opportunity to look at the proposals and see how we have incorporated comments and suggestions received in earlier rounds of consultation and engagement.”

People are invited to comment on the revised plans for Birkenhead Central and the adjoining St Werburgh’s area following earlier phases of consultation in 2022/23.

Proposals for Birkenhead Central include around 1,685 homes, one or two new hotels, a leisure hub, retail space, external event space, and a swimming pool as part of a Health and Wellbeing Hub.

To support this regeneration, the plans propose a range of multi-storey car parks and some parking on routes with improved cycleways and connections to public transport and the town centre.

St Werburgh’s was identified in the council’s Local Plan as a priority area for regeneration.

The proposals could see around 570 homes being built along with a hotel, retail, leisure, food and drink offer, a new market located on Princes Pavement, new Market Square and arrival space from the bus station.

Regeneration of this area would also create new external spaces connecting with Birkenhead Central Station and improvements to multi story car parks.

Following a review of the feedback from the consultations the masterplans will be presented back to committee in early 2025 with a recommendation they are endorsed by councillors and form the basis of planning guidance for future development.

In addition, the council is presenting a progress update for Birkenhead Waterfront and its surrounding areas (inc Argyle Street), which have been updated following feedback from residents and businesses in the earlier design phases.

These proposals link directly to the edge of St Werburgh’s showcasing to residents the large scale of the area that the council is looking to regenerate in Birkenhead.

The five areas included are; Woodside Promenade, Woodside Culture Park (including a remodelled bus turnaround / layover area), Hamilton Street, Hamilton Square and Argyle Street (including Conway Street / Argyle Street roundabout).

Feedback from residents from earlier phases of consultation have been incorporated into revised design plans.

The proposals now include more green space, features that celebrate the area’s heritage and improved street lighting, whilst having connectivity at their heart with better links for pedestrians and cyclists.

The infrastructure project will see in excess of £20million spent and is funded through a combination of Government grants (supported by a small amount of Council Capital as a requirement of the grant funding available).

How to get involved:

Residents can find out more about the proposals and comment on the council’s Have Your Say website - Have your say Wirral

There are also opportunities to meet the teams and council’s development partners in person and find out more about what is planned.

Birkenhead Central & St Werburgh’s Masterplans

Drop in to 8-10 Borough Pavement, Grange Precinct, CH41 2XX, on 16 & 17, 24, 25, 26  October between 11-4pm. There are also opportunities to book a free place at an in-depth presentation or go on a walking tour of the local area.

The team will also be at the Pyramids Shopping Centre in November, dates will be confirmed on Wirral View, Have your Say, Wirral Council’s Facebook and in the local media in the coming weeks.

Birkenhead Waterfront

 Residents and businesses can drop into Future Yard, 75 Argyle St, Birkenhead CH41 6AB to discuss plans on:-

  • Wednesday 16 October – 3pm to 7pm
  • Saturday 2nd November – 10:30am to 3pm

This round of engagement will open on Monday 7th October and will run for four weeks, closing on 3rd November.