A WIRRAL hospital has started hosting 'chair discos' as a way to exercise.

Arrowe Park Hospital has introduced this new activity as a part of the Trust's falls awareness campaign.

The aim is to encourage patients and visitors to participate in exercise classes in a 'fun and innovative way'.

The initiative was first launched in the hospital’s Department of Medicine for the Elderly (DME).

Physiotherapist Carl Pattrick said: "Some of our wards have used chair discos as a novel way of making therapy fun for our patients, alongside Olympic-themed games and mocktail clubs."

The sessions combine elements of standardised, evidence-based falls prevention programmes, ensuring participants benefit from strengthening exercises that challenge their balance, reduce the risk of falls, and improve mobility.

According to Mr Pattrick, the success of the initiative has been remarkable.

He said: "Our previous chair discos have been a great way of engaging patients with rehab activities, including some who normally don’t engage with therapies.

"The group exercise format also helps patients with cognitive deficits engage more effectively with therapy."

Jane Lloyd, who suffers from mobility issues, said: "I tried a taster session and thought it was a fun way to package exercise.

"All that was missing was a glitter ball."

The DME plans to train therapy assistants to provide chair discos as weekly classes on the wards.

For those at home, there are plenty of resources on YouTube to get an idea of what to expect.

Some Merseyside community groups also offer chair-based exercise classes, providing a 'fun and social way to stay fit, reduce the risk of falls, and maintain independence'.