A Wirral care assistant has completed a 30-mile walk in aid of a charity helping people living with dementia. 

Michelle Johnston from Leighton Court Care Home in Wallasey took on the challenge as part of World Alzheimer’s Month. Her efforts have, so far, raised £166 for Dementia UK.

The aim was to walk 30 miles throughout the month. Michelle took on this challenge last year also in aid of the charity Cat Protection.

This year is extra special as Leighton Court opened its dementia community in April, where Michelle is described by colleagues a 'a very friendly and familiar face to residents and families at the residential, nursing and nursing dementia care home'.

Michelle said: "I am feeling so happy that I have raised money to help people living with dementia and to help support their families. I want to thank everybody who has sponsored me."

Marie Keating, home manager at Leighton Court care home, said: "We are all so proud of Michelle for giving up her free time to raise money for a charity very close to our hearts.

"A huge well done Michelle!"