MEET our dog of the Fran, who needs your help to find a forever home with a family she can have fun with.

The six-year-old French Bulldog is currently being looked after by staff at Dogs Trust Merseyside and described as 'full of fun'

She is said to love playing, throwing her toys around with enthusiasm and staff hope that her 'fantastic personality' will help her find a home of her own.

Fran is described as 'quite shy at first', so likes to be given the chance to approach new people in her own time. But it said she does not take long to show her true personality as her curiosity about people and places 'gets the better of her'.

She likes to chill out in her own space so a crate or a place to call her own where she won’t be disturbed in her new home would really help her settle.

Georgina Lowery, Manager at Dogs Trust Merseyside, said: "Fran is a real sweetheart.

"As she can be a little timid at first, she will suit an adult-only home so she can build her confidence, and she’d prefer a quieter home with not too many people coming and going so she can find her paws.

"We've found that when she first meets dogs at the centre, she likes to just stand and watch them, but she happily walks with a group of dogs, although she keeps herself to herself, so she’d prefer a home where she’s the only dog."

For more details on Fran and all the dogs at Dogs Trust Merseyside, go to