POLICE are advising members of Wirral's Asian community to take 'extra precautions' to protect their family gold and valuable jewellery as the darker nights draw in.

Family gold is usually high-value gold jewellery – often bought as wedding gifts in Asian communities and passed down family generations, holding significant sentimental value.

Detective Inspector Kevin O’Rourke of Merseyside Police’s burglary team, known as Operation Castle, said: “Although Merseyside has seen a 31% decrease in residential burglary between January and August this year compared to 2023, as autumn approaches and the nights draw in, we often see an increase in burglaries.

"We recognise the deep cultural importance of family gold within the Asian community and unfortunately, this tradition can make some households more vulnerable to targeted burglaries.

"We're asking our Asian community members to be particularly vigilant and consider practical measures to significantly reduce the risk of burglary.

"We advise families to consider storing valuable jewellery and gold items in a safe deposit box at a bank rather than keeping them at home.

"For items that must be kept in the house, a high-quality home safe securely bolted to the floor or wall is strongly recommended."

Inspector Azizur Rahman of Merseyside Police’s Community Engagement team said: "If you do keep valuable jewellery or significant amounts of cash in your home, please ensure they are properly secured.

"Merely hiding these items, regardless of how clever you think your hiding spot is, is not adequate protection from a committed burglar who will leave no stone unturned.

"Remember, it's not just about protecting valuables – it's about preserving your family's heritage and peace of mind.

"This is why we are sharing links to a collection of crime prevention videos recorded in English various Asian languages.

"The videos are hosted on the force’s YouTube channel and are available in the following languages: Bengali, Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, Cantonese, Mandarin and English.

"Leaflets are also available in each respective language, linked in the description of each video. Officers from my team will be sharing this advice at the venues we regularly visit including the region’s faith buildings and cultural centres such as Pagoda Arts Centre and The Wirral Change.”

More advice can be found on the force website at: https://www.merseyside.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention/protect-home-crime/