A Wirral farm volunteer's dedication to the role earned a nomination for a BBC Make a Difference Award.

Kathy Pennington has volunteered at Tam O’Shanter Urban Farm in Bidston since January 2022.

A former deputy headteacher at Stanton Road Primary in Bebington, Kathy had just taken early retirement and was looking forward to just helping out at the farm for a few hours a week.

Fast forward two and half years and Kathy is now a trustee who organises and runs all educational visits, works as day lead and much more behind the scenes.

It was for this reason that bosses at the farm nominated Kathy for an honour in the 'animal award' category, for people who make a difference to the lives of animals or animals that make a difference to the lives of people, but in the end she came away with a 'highly commended' plaque.

Kathy Pennington, a volunteer at Tam O’Shanter Urban Farm, with the 'highly commended honour she received at the BBC Make A Difference AwardsKathy Pennington, a volunteer at Tam O’Shanter Urban Farm, with the 'highly commended honour she received at the BBC Make A Difference Award. Picture courtesy of Tam O'Shanter Urban Farm

The Make a Difference Awards are a chance for the public to say 'thank you' and recognise those who love to make life better for others.

Kathy, who lives in Irby, told the Globe: "When I found out I had been nominated for the Make a Difference award, I was shocked initially, then flattered that someone would consider me worthy of such a prestigious award.

"When I heard on the radio that I was shortlisted in the Animal Category along with Horse Sense, Hope Therapy Dogs and Milly the guide dog, I laughed. Stiff competition!

"I met Milly at the award ceremony and, although neither of us won, I really enjoyed getting a hug from her. It was an amazing night and I loved meeting some wonderful people and learning about their work in the community."

Kathy continued: "I really love volunteering at Tam O’Shanter Farm. We have an incredible team here, who all give their time and hard work for free. They all make a difference.

"As a retired teacher, I have found that rounding up the chickens at bedtime is very similar to rounding up a class of reception children for a story-time and the chickens are just as chatty."

A spokesperson for Tam O'Shanter Urban Farm said: "The farm would not be able to function without Kathy and her hard work.

"This is why when I saw the BBC Make a Difference Award, I knew Kathy was the most deserving person for this award.

"Kathy was placed in a tough category but getting to the final four is an amazing achievement and well deserved accolade for her tireless effort that makes the farm successful."