MEMBERS of West Kirby Rotary Club are taking part in a static bike ride for Prostate Cancer UK this weekend and need your support.

The club will saddle up outside West Kirby Concourse on Saturday (September 21) at 9am for a virtual tour around all the hospitals treating prostate cancer in our region.

As the miles are clocked up, a pin will be moved around the map to chart the ride's progress.

A spokesperson for the Rotary Club said: "Please come along and support us on the day – we would love to see you and need all the support we can get as we cycle in rotation around 200km.

"Donations can be made on the day or via our Just Giving Page 

"Our thanks go to the team at the Concourse for very kindly providing the two bikes and to Homestead Instead, who will be providing refreshments in the library meeting room".

The Rotary Ride is a national initiative that aims to support vital life-saving research into prostate cancer and the care provided by the charities through fundraising. All proceeds will go to Prostate Cancer UK.

West Kirby Rotary Club's chair Tim Sinnot said: "Prostate cancer does not care who it affects or the devastation it causes to patients and their families.

"We do care. That’s why we’re holding this ride in our area.

"One man dying every 45 minutes is a startling figure and we will do what we can to bring that number down."