A WIRRAL mum has said she cannot praise a sports programme enough after her son with mobility issues had an “absolute ball”.

Jo and her son Alfie from Wallasey took part in Active All Sports Holiday Programme run by Wirral Council this summer.

Alfie, who is nearly eight, has mobility issues and participated in water sports, swimming, balanceability sessions and more during the school holidays.

Jo, Alfie’s mum, said: “There’s not many sporting activities that Alfie can participate in, but you can always guarantee the leisure activities that he does with the Council will be enjoyable and inclusive.

“This year, Alfie has enjoyed taking part in inclusive cycling sessions with Wheels For All as well as bowling and swimming. He has also enjoyed trampolining sessions in the past too.”

She added: “Alfie recently took part in the Splash water sports activity at West Kirby Marine Lake and he had an absolute ball.

“Josh, the instructor, was amazing and so kind towards Alfie and took the time to check he was OK using a "thumbs up" and giving him extra instructions when needed.

“It was fantastic to see Alfie enjoying himself so much with the other kids. He had a fabulous time on the water in a safe and supportive environment and made new friends on the way.

“It’s hard to engage Alfie with activities and believe me we have tried many, but he can’t wait to get booked back on. The fresh air and exhilaration is exactly what he loves.”

Along with water sports, Alfie also made a splash at the Oval, attending a Balanceability session.

Specially designed with child development experts and cycling professionals, Balanceability is a UK Association for Physical Education approved Learn to Cycle programme. Three sessions were held in Wirral over the summer. 

Jo said: “Despite many attempts, Alfie still struggles to maintain the coordination and balance to be able to ride a bike. I wasn’t sure how he would get on [at the session] but with the encouragement of the instructors and the regular prompts and fun environment he persisted and did really well and his confidence has grown.”

The classes were suitable for ages two and a half years old to seven years of age, with bicycles and helmets provided.

Jo said: “I cannot praise the service enough. The activities are varied and interesting and affordable and just as importantly - inclusive.

“My boy makes me proud every day and seeing him having fun and getting the movement and interaction with other kids totally makes my day.”