SHOPPING trolleys, bikes and scooters were among more than 50 items recovered from New Brighton's Marine Lake clear-up during a special day of action.

The event on Thursday (September 12) was part of celebrations marking 90 years since the lake opened.

Organised by Friends of New Brighton Marine Lake it resulted in nearly one tonne of metal objects being pulled out of the water.

Around 40 volunteers - featuring Friends of New Brighton Marine Lake, West Cheshire Sailing Club, The New Brightoners and a local open water swimming group, the Blue Tits, took part in the clear-up, which was supported by staff from Wirral Council.

Despite 'incessant rain and high winds', the team managed to collect around 150 bags of rubbish and litter from the area surrounding the lake, as well as clearing weeds and debris from the surrounding walls.

Using just a magnet and a grappling hook, one group of volunteers recovered more than 50 items from the lake, including numerous shopping trolleys, bikes, scooters and other items.

Some of the 40 volunteers who took part in New Brighton Marine Lake clear-up as part of 90th anniversary celebrationSome of the 40 volunteers who took part in New Brighton Marine Lake clear-up as part of 90th anniversary celebration (Image: Colin Clayton) Speaking on behalf of the Friends of New Brighton Marine Lake, chair Colin Clayton told the Globe: "We organised this clean-up as part of ongoing efforts by our group to make the Marine Lake a clean and attractive place for all visitors to New Brighton as well as a safer environment for all members of the community who enjoy and utilise the lake for a wide variety of activities including, kayaking, dipping, swimming, paddle boarding and even crabbing.

"We are very grateful to the staff from Wirral Council who helped us on the day and we were delighted that so many local people volunteered to help us, which just goes to show how many people care about the Marine Lake."

The Friends of New Brighton Marine Lake was formally constituted in 2023 with the intention to protect and promote the use of the lake by the community.

It is currently raising funds to conduct testing of the water in addition to a number of other water quality improvement initiatives.

For further information, you can follow the group on Instagram @friends_of_the_marine_lake_nb