The Mosslands School has introduced a zero-phone policy, where all students are required to store their phones and other connected devices (such as ear-buds) in Yondr pouches upon arrival. These pouches are sealed and can only be unlocked at designated stations. This allows the students to retain possession of their phones throughout the day, securely sealed in the pouches.

Since implementing the no phone policy, the school has seen a remarkable improvement in classroom focus and overall academic performance. Teachers have reported a noticeable increase in classroom engagement, as the absence of phone pressures has fostered a more conducive environment for learning. This has allowed teachers to focus on delivering lessons while students engage more fully in their studies.

By removing students' access to their devices during school hours, the school has created a safer and more positive learning environment.

A More Productive Learning Environment

"The success of our secure pouches initiative highlights the importance of a distraction-free learning environment. By removing access to phones during school hours, we’ve empowered students to reach their full potential."

“It’s incredible to see how much more focused students are without the distraction of their phones. The energy in lessons is noticeably more positive, and students are really engaging with their learning. The overall atmosphere in the school has shifted; without phones, students are more engaged with each other and staff—especially in the corridors and canteen. It’s refreshing to see them talking, laughing, and being more present in the moment.”

“The students have responded exceptionally well to the new policies. When talking to them about their day, they’ve only had positive things to say, which has been amazing to hear. We’re pleased with how smoothly the process has gone and with the excellent conduct of our students. Already, we’re seeing the benefits of a more focused, distraction-free learning environment, and we’re confident this will continue to positively impact everyone." – Assistant Headteacher

Speaking with both teaching and support staff, a common theme has emerged in their observations. Many have noted that students seem more engaged and energised during lessons, while breaks and lunchtimes have seen a transformation from groups standing with heads down, glued to screens, to vibrant conversations and interactions. Students themselves have commented on how freeing it feels to be without their phones, noting that lessons seem to pass more quickly, and it’s enjoyable not to be distracted.

With the introduction of new policies around phones, school bags, and uniform standards, there’s a growing sense of community within the school.

"I’ve personally enjoyed seeing a more relaxed attitude from the boys in recent days. It’s clear that not only are they more focused in the classroom and socialising more during breaks, but they also seem to have a sense of relief. They appear more relaxed, which has been wonderful to witness." – Cover Supervisor