STUDENTS from Wirral Grammar School Boys have been given a taste of what it is like to work in a hospice as part of an 'educational enrichment' programme.

In early 2022, Wirral Hospice St John's began its sixth form project with Wirral Grammar School for Boys, offering students the chance to volunteer at the hospice for one afternoon over a twelve-week period.

Four of the students who enrolled early into the programme, and who recently received their ‘A’ Level results, were welcomed and congratulated as they recalled their time at the hospice and how it had greatly helped them to prepare to take the next steps on their life’s journey.

Lucas, Elliott, Alfie and Josh have travelled a bit with friends and/or family, this summer so were able to give the hospice team a whistle stop tour extolling the virtues of Lake Garda, Sweden, Tenerife, Fuengirola, Singapore, Thailand and Australia.

They’re now ready for all the fun, hard work and more study which will help them build their future careers.

Lucas and Elliott will be studying medicine at Keele and Edge Hill University respectively (there’s a couple of future doctors in the house).

Alfie will take geography at Liverpool University and Josh starts his training to be a police officer in early 2025. Well done, gentlemen!

Some of the students, there have now been six groups of six students, have continued to volunteer or help out at events while Josh, alongside another Lucas, and their friend, Ben who were also on the course, has completed a daring Skydive to raise funds in memory of his own Mum who passed away at the hospice. Truly inspirational!

Elliott said: "I honestly know that being able to tell the interview panel about my experience at the hospice helped me to get onto the course to study medicine.”

Hospice volunteer manager, Phil McGraa said: "The WGSB students have been absolutely brilliant.

"We would encourage all year 12 sixth form students at Wirral Schools to consider volunteering for one afternoon at the hospice as part of enriching their studies.

"Our students told us that seeing hospice care at first hand and the allied services which are integral to providing them, helped them immensely in understanding real world working. I know everyone at the hospice extends our very best wishes to them all."

The sixth form enrichment programme is designed to give the young volunteers a meaningful experience.

Spending time with doctors, nurses and healthcare assistants, the kind of professionals people associate with hospice care, but also with allied health professionals, and others, they get a rounded insight into hospice life.

Hearing and seeing how the staff provide patients help with fatigue, anxiety and breathlessness, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, complementary therapy, spiritual support, benefits and social work alongside counselling and support pre- and post-bereavement all adds to their learning.

Serving patients with afternoon tea, baking, organising and taking part in quizzes and other fun activities in our Wellbeing Centre and hearing presentations from other hospice professionals embeds them in the hospice ethos.

They also spend time behind the scenes leaning how the hospice raises it funds and how we keep our community aware of how the hospice is working and the things they too can get involved with to help the hospice.

Now well into its second year the programme is always concluded with certificate awards for each young volunteer and with their own team summation presentation to senior managers, and their teachers, outlining what they have learned in just three months of volunteering and how it helps to shape their futures.

Feedback from students who took part in the programme included: "I was apprehensive when selecting this option for enrichment, but I am so happy I chose the hospice and would never look back".

“Wirral Hospice took me by surprise. I did not expect it to be as uplifting and positive as it is.

“Since the start, Wirral Hospice has been nothing but wonderful, with a kind and supporting team guiding us along the way.

“The experience here, at least for me, has been absolutely wonderful all the people who work here and all the patients are pleasant and a wonder to be around.

"I seriously and thoroughly have enjoyed every second of being here and it has been an invaluable experience for me and my future career.”

If you are a Year 12 student or a school in Wirral and would like to hear more about how Wirral Hospice St John’s could add to your enrichment portfolio call Phil or Sarah on 0151-334-2778 or by email at