VOLUNTEERS are needed to help transform a derelict Wirral space into 'an accessible community garden for all'.

St Vincent’s Community Garden, on Wheatland Lane in Wallasey, is currently undergoing immense changes to turn it into a wildlife-friendly, tranquil garden that will be accessible for the whole community.

A spokesperson for the team behind the project said that despite work being already well underway, more help is needed to transform this space into a thriving hub and community space for all.

Help is currently being sought after in the form of volunteers to help improve the site, create wheelchair accessible raised beds, plant vegetables and flowers and create the recreational areas and play spaces.

The main aim of the Community Garden is to provide a safe space that locals can access in a free and affordable way. It is hoped that in the future space will become a thriving community hub with links to the wider community.

Activities and programmes co-ordinator at St Vincent's Community Garden, Rick Purcell, said: "It would be great if we could find people who can help, even just for an hour or two a week.

"We have big plans for the garden and want to make sure that it’s a space that everyone can use.

"A place for youngsters to come and learn about how food is grown, somewhere that those struggling to feed families can come and pick fresh fruit and veg.

"Our long-term goals are to have a place where children can go after school, we want to have a festival in the summer, we want to use this space to the best of our ability and we’re always open to ideas on what we can do here when it’s completed."

When work first began, this site was derelict and overgrown, so a major clean-up project began.

This was done in an environmentally friendly way with as much as possible being salvaged from the site to then be re-used later on in the project.

So far, four skips of rubbish have been filled, 60 trees felled by hand, 100s of bramble roots cut, bricks removed carefully to be used again and 20 tonnes of topsoil salvaged and reused.

More information about the future plans for St Vincent’s Community Garden can be found by visiting their donation page here: https://www.spacehive.com/vinnie-s-garden

For anyone who is interested in helping at the space, contact Rick on RickP@svp.org.uk.