WIRRAL Council is supporting a month-long national initiative aimed at encouraging people to prepare for a range of emergency situations.

During the ’30 Days 30 Ways’ campaign - taking place throughout September - messages and tips shared from expert partners will be shared to help people prepare for potential situations including floods, power cuts and accidents.

The hazard-themed messages and resources cover topics ranging from safety and security, to the different ways people can directly report concerns to the authorities.

A Wirral Council statement read: "It is all about being prepared and giving people a basic understanding of what to do in the event that something goes wrong.

"All emergencies are different in terms of dangers to the public and the response required. However, in most cases – incidents that don't require you to be evacuated – the initial response would be to go inside, stay inside and tune into local radio news for updates".

In Wirral, priorities for emergency planning include:

  • Assessing local risks
  • Putting in place emergency plans
  • Putting in place business continuity arrangements
  • Putting in place arrangements to make information available to the public
  • Sharing information with local responders Co-operating with local responders to enhance coordination

The public can follow updates on the 30 days project throughout the month using the hashtag #30days30waysUK.