A HUGE treasure hunt will take place in Birkenhead this weekend.

Taking place on Saturday, September 7, Mersey Royal FC will host its fourth annual treasure hunt from 9am-5pm.

More than 200 businesses have donated more than £7,000 in prizes to fund the free event.

This year's event is brought to Wirral by co-main sponsors The Kuku Girls in West Kirby and Empowered Fit Gym in Upton and will be once again presented by Yankies Sweets and Treats in Bebington.

Darrell from Yankies Sweets and Treats said: “It’s a game of hide and seek, you have to find me within the time limit set if you’re one of the first people to come up to me and say , ‘Mersey Royal Make My Day’ and you’ll get one of our great prizes, until all prizes for that destination are gone.

“This is our biggest ever we have over 200 small local businesses donating over £7,000 in prizes to fund this free event.

“The primary objective is to give a great day to the people of the Wirral, getting them out and active, and to promote our small local businesses to a giant captive audience.  

“This year has been the most difficult for some businesses and we lost 10 who donated last year due to closure.

“But this year it will be even bigger and better with over £5,000 in free prizes all guaranteed to be given away.”


1. You must be following all three sponsors of the event to enter and win any of the prizes available, Yankies Sweets and Treats, Empoweredfit Wirral, and The Kuku Girls.  YOU WILL be asked before you receive your prize and you will not qualify to receive a prize without this.  You can also follow Yankies sweets and treats on Instagram as some clues may go on that platform earlier as some sponsors don’t use Facebook

2. Darrell can only be caught during the time limit(usually 15-30mins) after he post of picture of his whereabouts on the Yankies Sweets and Treats social media then two minutes later on Instagram (this may sometimes vary). Some games may require you to collect items before you can win a prize.

3. Treasure hunters must say the phrase ‘Mersey Royal Make My Day’ within two metres of Darrell to get a prize. Only the person saying it can collect the prize (unless representing a person with a disability and he will give the prize to the person that is being represented).  All prize winners must be photographed and posted for promotional purposes and you may be photographed when collected your prize by the sponsor

4. People get one prize each, until the prizes at each destination are used up. Prizes are random and will be picked from unmarked envelopes.

5. Only one prize per person allowed at a destination, you cannot win a prize at the next stop so must wait till the destination after e.g you win a prize in game one you cannot win again until game three. One person can only win a maximum of five on the day.

6. Prizes cannot be exchanged, this is a free event so please appreciate your gift has come from the generosity of a local business. 

7. If any situations fall outside these previous rules a decision will be made by the organiser which is binding and final.

8. If you are entering to play the treasure hunt you are agreeing to abide by the rules, any derogatory, antisocial, racist or discriminatory behaviour will disqualify you from the entire event.