A WOMEN’S only club night is coming to a music venue in Birkenhead.

The event will be held at Future Yard on Argyle Street in Birkenhead and will feature a host of female DJs, dancers and stalls from local organisations.

The event, organised by Wirral women’s charity, Tomorrow’s Women, is aimed at raising awareness of and tackling violence against women and girls as well as raising funds for the charity.

The charity has partnered with One For The Girls, a women’s only music collective focusing on creating safe and inclusive events for women, and Future Yard to host the event on Tuesday, December 3, from 6pm-10pm.

Following research, Tomorrow’s Women found that 93% of women don’t feel safe being out alone at night, with 82% not feeling safe in bars/clubs.

The event in December aims to provide a safe space for women at night time within the Wirral community.

One For The Girls creator Emma Lundy said: “After some research, we found that 77% of women have experienced harassment in a bar or club and 91% of women said they’d like to see more women-only events in the Wirral, this highlighted an opportunity to create events where women can socialise in a safe environment and not have to worry about harassment.”

With the support of Merseyside PCC, Emily Spurrell, the 18+ women-only event, will be held at Future Yard in Birkenhead.

The event will be a celebration of women in dance music and comprise of a local female DJ and dancers.

In addition to the live event, organisations aimed at supporting women’s safety will be in attendance offering advice and support on how women can stay safe at night.

For more information and tickets, visit https://bit.ly/4cCMrPq.