CHESTER Zoo has said goodbye to one of its most well-known animals.

For over half a century, Boris the chimpanzee has been a familiar face to millions of visitors.

But sadly, although the veteran primate had been in good health until recently, a sudden deterioration in his condition led keepers to make the heartbreaking decision to put him to sleep at the grand old age of 58.


Boris in New York in the year 1968.

Boris in New York in the year 1968.


The zoo has now paid tribute to one of its biggest ever stars, with Boris having already been immortalised with a bronze statue.

Boris had arrived at Chester Zoo in 1969, having been rescued from the window of a pet shop in New York.

Mike Jordan, director of animals and plants, said: “This is one of those days that you hope will never come and we’re all heartbroken to say goodbye to Boris – he really was one in a million.

“But, as sad as today is, we all take comfort from his incredible life story, not least the phenomenal impact he’s had on his highly threatened species.


Halfpenny, Kate, Boris and Cleo.

Halfpenny, Kate, Boris and Cleo.


“Boris played a central role in establishing the international conservation breeding programme for western chimpanzees, siring 22 young.

"He’s gone on to be a great grandad and has a raft of descendants right around the world – a truly astonishing number and an extraordinary legacy, made all the more remarkable given his difficult start to life which saw him orphaned as a baby, having been taken from his mother by illegal wildlife traders, and forced to live in a New York pet shop.”

Boris was rescued from the pet shop and raised in an apartment in Manhattan by Hester Mundis, a four-time Emmy nominated author and American journalist who was keen to raise awareness of animal rights issues.

Hester cared for Boris for several years but, as he started to outgrow the apartment, she needed to find him a new home and decided Chester Zoo was the only place for him.

Hester was quoted as saying “I researched literally all the zoos in the world and Chester Zoo was the answer to our prayers. Its reputation for caring for chimpanzees was excellent.”

The zoo’s founder, George Mottershead, made that dream a reality for Hester and he moved to the zoo in 1969, where he went on to become the leader of the troop for a period of time. He became such an icon that he has even been immortalised in a bronze statue at the zoo.

Hester made several trips to see him over the years, saying “I couldn’t have wished for more for Boris, as he [had] a wonderful life here.”


Boris and Babu.

Boris and Babu.


Andy Lenihan, who had been involved in the care of Boris for more than 40 years, added: “Boris was a wonderfully colourful character and I’ll miss him enormously – it really does feel like losing an old friend.

“I will, though, always have so many fabulous memories of him. He was a proper character with a great sense of humour.

"I vividly remember one occasion, back in 1989, when the zoo was gearing up for a visit from Princess Diana to mark the official opening of a new chimpanzee habitat. Boris was particularly excitable that day and had a tendency to throw things.

"It would have been highly embarrassing if he had done so while we were showing the princess around, so we had to encourage him to stay in his own private area for the morning!

“It’s been a privilege to be able to care for Boris and play a part in providing him with the happy life he’s had. I feel incredibly fortunate to have known him and I, and I know many, many others, will miss him dearly.

"It’s fair to say there’ll never be another Boris.”

Chimpanzees typically live for about 15 years in the wild, but it is possible for them to live to nearly 60. In captivity, the world's oldest recorded lifespans for chimpanzees were 66 for a male chimp, while female Little Mama lived to be in her 70s.


Boris the chimpanzee has passed away at the age of 58.

Boris the chimpanzee has passed away at the age of 58.