A WIRRAL-BASED children's author and illustrator has published a new book which draws on local scenery and iconic locations for its backdrop.

Martyn Harvey, of Neston, has even included some local characters in the story which follows a path that winds from the Boathouse end of Parkgate, through the village, over to Neston, down bits of the Wirral Way before shooting off into space – and flying over Liverpool’s iconic docks and the Liver Birds.

Martyn started writing his latest book, Squiggly Pete and the Curse of the Monster Zombie Mushy Peas, over three years ago, during the Covid lockdowns of 2021.

“It all began with some free fish 'n' chips”, said Martyn, describing the day when the famous Parkgate Fish and Chip shop came knocking on local doors, distributing free portions to house-bound families during those challenging times.

“It was a time when everyone was thinking of ways to help each other out and keep the community spirits up – especially for the children.

“My step-son and I were having a chat in the kitchen, when the doorbell went and there stood the lady from our local chip shop with a tray full of hot food! What a lovely surprise that was!”

Later, as they were busy munching their free lunch, Martyn and William came up with the idea of a story about a pirate who loves fish and chips.

“I’d recently moved to the area and was just getting to know Parkgate and its local characters so it seemed like a fun way to involve the community in this project," said Martyn.

“I’d just started doing some online Zoom story-telling for kids and the story grew from there.

"Squiggly Pete is a wacky, bumbling, eccentric pirate who has a Magic Pencil and can draw anything he wants – or needs. He also loves his Fish 'n' chips, so when he comes to Parkgate in search of the famous Chip Shop, only to find it closed due to the lockdown he is devastated."

(Image: Penzance Press)

The book is designed so that parents, carers or teachers can take their children to visit and walk around Parkgate and Neston, spotting the locations.

“I suppose I was being a bit ambitious in aiming to get it done in a few months” said Martyn. "But, because I wanted to include as much scenery from the local area as I could, the story just grew and grew.

"I’ve had a lot of fun hiding away little visual jokes for both the children and the adults. There are several well-known faces appearing, including the late Queen Elizabeth II, King Charles, an ex-Prime Minister, a celebrity astronaut, the owner of the local ice cream shop and several local ‘celebrities’... the list goes on!”

Martyn says that he’s already penning the sequel – which involves a mysterious sea-creature seen lurking in the shallow waters off West Kirby.

The book will be available at Neston Friday Market on July 26, where Martyn will be giving a reading and signing books, then afterwards at several Parkgate, Neston and Wirral shops and garden centres.

It will be available on Amazon from August 1.