WELCOME to Behind the Lens, a feature that shines a light on the talented photographers in our Wirral Globe Camera Club group.

This week, we’re looking at Chris Britton’s favourite photographs and hearing about his passion for photography.

Chris, who lives in Rock Ferry, has always taken photographs but his passion for the art was reignited two years ago.

If you would like to appear in Behind the Lens, email heidi.summerfield@newsquest.co.uk

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Wirral Globe Camera Club member Chris Britton

Wirral Globe Camera Club member Chris Britton

When and why did you take up photography?

I’ve always taken photos over the years but since I joined a group of open water swimmers nearly two years ago and met my girlfriend Ali, the enjoyment for it has returned.

What do you love about taking pictures?

I like looking for the angle that isn’t obvious to others. My girlfriend and I will both take shots of the same subject, but the results are so very different. The number of times I suddenly stop and end up lying on the floor or pavement, just to get the right shot, is becoming more and more comical. Luckily she is not fazed by it all! I love the shots that surprise me - that moment when the light is just right and the view is something to capture. One of my favourite photographs was taken when returning to my room in a hotel in London. The room was dark apart from the street light shining through the window. It seemed to shine a spotlight on the chair and dressing table in the hotel room and straight away I knew I had to take the shot. Every time I look at it now, I see a new detail that I haven’t noticed before.

The empty chair

The empty chair


"I love sharing my photos and seeing the joy they bring to others"

Round the twist

Round the twist

Where is your favourite place to take pictures and why?

New Brighton Beach features in so many of my shots. Taking up cold water dipping about two years ago has really help my mental health and from there I joined group called the Reluctant Runners, who share my love of being in the water. Every morning, when we meet up for a dip, there are always cameras snapping, documenting the moment that we are sharing with each other. Because of this group, I’ve rediscovered the beauty of New Brighton and as the seasons change. The beach gives up new shots every time I’m there.

Off kilter

Off kilter

What is your favourite subject matter and why?

I’m not sure which is my favourite. I love taking photos of my friends when we swim, but also being in the waves, on the beach or welcoming in the sunrise. Many of my shots feature corrosion and the decay of objects or structures that that were once grand. This can be anything from Garston Dock gates, abandoned bikes and rusty ironwork. The one subject that I really want to capture the most is of my three children - Chloe, Charlie and Zach - not posed but more natural, like when they are playing, walking on walls or being curious about what is around them.


“The camera club is full of talented people with a great eye for a stunning photo”

Riding on the edge

Riding on the edge

What do you enjoy about being part of our Camera Club on Facebook?

There is a lot a talent in the group and each time I see someone else’s view of the world. I also love how supportive it is. I was originally tentative of sharing my shots with others, but instead of giving posts a like, other photographers go out of their way to comment on your work.

If you could photograph anyone/any place/anything, who/what would it be?

I’m not one for planning a shot - I tend to just take what I see, so trying to think of the ideal photograph is difficult. I think for me it’s just capturing a moment with my kids so that we can look back and remember the day it was taken or the story that the photograph tells.

