A piece of equipment that could used to help save someone's life has been installed at a shop in Little Neston.

Today The defibrillator - which is used to shock an irregular heart rhythm in a cardiac arrest - was installed at Nisa Local in West Vale, Little Neston.

Zoe Weaver, a local Community First Responder with the North West Ambulance Service, has successfully had the machine installed. 

Free training will take place to honour the new installation will take place on Monday, July 29 at The Lady Ham Pub, Little Neston. 7-8pm. 

Zoe said: "Paul and Mike who own and manage Nisa Local were more than happy to house the defib onto their building and were a key factor in having the life saving piece of equipment installed into an area that much needed it.

"Without the sheer kindness and generosity of Chris Roberts, who is a local electrician in Neston, the defib would never have been installed so quickly and efficiently.

"Chris gave up his valuable time to fit and install the defib cabinet, completely free of charge."

"It is with a huge thanks to the North West Ambulance Service Charity that all this has all been possible". 

A spokesperson for the charity said: "One of the main aims of The North West Ambulance Service Charity, is to increase the number of life-saving public-access defibrillators across the region.

"We work in partnership with the network of volunteer Community First Responders, and other community groups to help them to raise funds for new units, and working with us will mean that we can help you to get the equipment installed more quickly.

"We prioritise areas of high-deprivation, areas where there are high numbers of cardiac arrests and areas where there is no existing coverage, and in these circumstances we can often provide charitable funding towards your fundraising.

"The NHS does not provide any funding at all for public-access defibrillators, and so we rely completely on community-minded groups to work with us to save lives in this way.

"Find out more about our work at www.nwas.nhs.uk/charity, email charity.office@nwas.nhs.uk or follow us on social media."