A WIRRAL housing association has opened a new learning and wellbeing hub for use by its residents.

Forum's vision for the hub was to create 'a safe, informal, and comfortable space to encourage and enable Forum residents to come together to build their skills through activities, learning sessions, group study, and accessing online courses. Forum also recognised that supporting a person’s wellbeing is key to enabling engagement in learning'.

The company became a partner within the education engagement consortium led by Wirral Met College, which secured UK Government Department of Levelling Up, Communities & Housing Town Deal funding under Wirral Council’s regeneration of Birkenhead.

The Hub was opened by Forum's chair, Sue Elliott, this week. She said: "With our versatile learning area, comfortable wellbeing space, a computer suite for small group study, research, and college and job applications, and the quiet 1-2-1 support room, we are now able to take our vision forward to delivery and fill each day with an array of learning and wellbeing activities and support to help our residents realise their potential and move forward in their lives."

Sue went on to thank Kate Pierce, principal economic development lead at Wirral Council, the Town Deal Board, and Sue Higginson - who was chief executive of Wirral Met College during the Town Deal bid - for their support in taking the bid forward which enabled Forum to realise their vision of the learning and wellbeing Hub for their residents.

Forum are looking forward to working with Wirral Met College and other partners to deliver learning and wellbeing sessions and activities to support their residents in improving their skills, confidence, and resilience, to enable them to move on positively with their lives.

Organisations interested in working with Forum residents within the Learning & Wellbeing Hub which is located at Forum Head Office, Hamilton Street, Birkenhead, should contact Lisa on lisa.leece@forumhousing.co.uk

Forum Housing provides supported accommodation for those aged 16 and over who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness. 

Accommodation and support is provided on a temporary basis, enabling people to move on to more permanent housing as soon as they are ready to do so.