A CULT film maker from Wirral is raising funds for a movie he says will be his last ever.

Director Alex Cox, from Bebington, found fame in the 1980s with Repo Man, starring Harry Dean Stanton and Emilio Estevez and Sid and Nancy, featuring Gary Oldman.

The former Wirral Grammar School pupil then went on to make a series of independent films as well as becoming the much-loved presenter of BBC Two's cult movie series, Moviedrome, from 1988-1994. 

Now approaching his 70th birthday, Cox, who lives in Oregon, is looking to partly fund a new project via Kickstarter and is asking fans for their help.

Cox said: "I'm hoping I can ask you to join me on this journey which I'm calling 'My Last Movie'.

"It's a Western adaptation of of Nicolai Gogol's Dead Souls which I want to shoot this November in Almeria, Southern Spain and in the Saguaro Desert outside Tuscon, Arizona. 

"It's the story of the mysterious Strindler who pays top dollar for the names of dead Mexicans and the use to which he puts them. 

"You remember Mel Brooks - the author of Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein? He thought Dead Sould was the greatest book he ever read. He said: 'It was a revelation. I had never read anything like it, It was a life changing gift and I still read it once a year to remind myself of what great comic writing can be'.

"I can't promise you great comic writing like Dead Souls or a masterpiece like Blazing Saddles but I will do my best."

So far, the Kickstarter has received over £97,000 with around 750 backers behind the project.

"The more we raise the more we can shoot, and the better the finished film will be," added Cox. 

To donate to the project go to: kickstarter.com/projects/alexcoxfilms/my-last-movie