A BID to convert a retail unit in Wallasey into two ground floor flats has been thrown out by The Planning Inspectorate.

The property, at 215 Seaview Road, part of a small parade of shops near Hose Side Road.

An application in 2021 to turn the ground floor into a single flat resulted in 25 objections from residents.

At the time, the Planning Committee was advised that as the retail unit had been vacant for some time, it would be best to convert it into residential use instead.

However, a second application was then received to add a second flat to the ground floor but this was refused by the Council.

Now, following an appeal by the applicant, the independent Planning Inspectorate has rejected the proposal.

Councillor Ian Lewis, who spoke on behalf of residents at the Planning Committee in 2021, has welcomed the decision to reject the appeal.

He said: "I am pleased the Planning Inspectorate recognised the concerns of residents that such a development would not provide acceptable housing standards.

"Too often, we are seeing former commercial units turned into HMOs or multiple bedsits, totally destroying the character of a neighbourhood.

“I would like to thank those residents who have worked with Councillor Rennie and I on this over the last three years and also Elaine Moulton, the Planning Inspector, for sharing these concerns when reaching her decision this week."

In her report, Elaine Moulton, the Planning Inspector wrote: "I find that the proposed development would not provide satisfactory living conditions for the future occupiers of the ground floor units due to an inadequate outlook.

"The proposed development conflicts with the development plan when considered as a whole and there are no material considerations, either individually or in combination, that outweigh the identified harm and associated development plan conflict".