A WIRRAL school transformed its hall into an “immersive” exhibition about climate change and conservation.

Pupils and staff at Ss Peter and Pauls Primary School in New Brighton turned its school hall into a multimedia, immersive exhibition titled 'Curriculum of Hope' exhibition  to tell people what they had learnt about climate change.

Each year group focused on a specific area from micro plastics and renewable energy to ecological concerns about turtles and flooding.

Curriculum of Hope exhibitionCurriculum of Hope exhibition (Image: Joanne Mitchell)

As well as learning about the different issues, the school also found out about what they can do to make a difference with students interviewing shopkeepers to ask how they are tackling problems with plastic waste.

Liverpool City Region Mayor, Steve Rotheram, New Brightoneers and Osted Wind Farms also worked with the school to help run the exhibition which ran from Monday, July 8 to Friday, July 12.

Curriculum of Hope exhibitionCurriculum of Hope exhibition (Image: Joanne Mitchell)

Tom Wallace head teacher at Ss Peter and Paul, told the Globe: “We wanted to show our children that they do have a voice, and that they can change the world.

“Weaving conservation through our curriculum, we have created a curriculum of hope that is intergenerational, purposeful and inspirational.

“The feedback from the local community and beyond, Sir David Attenborough, Pope Francis and the wider world of business has been phenomenal.”