PUPILS from Wirral schools were among those taking part in the first ever 'Hero hike' in aid of Claire House.

Children from eight schools from across the borough Liverpool, and Halton took part in the three kilometre walk around the idyllic Delamere Forest.

They were raising awareness for Claire House, which helps seriously and terminally ill children and their families in their area.

Earlier this month, the students and their teachers were joined by guides from Claire House who led them on the 3k walk through the trees.

As part of it, each child was given an activity pack and could find out about their local children’s hospice and how the fundraising they were doing would make a difference to the babies, children, young adults and families the charity supports.

On route, there was an activity stop, organised by Forest Explorers, where the groups were able to learn about the wildlife in the forest and build dens for different creatures.

The Hero Hike event brought together different schools, some who have supported Claire House before and some who were new to the charity.

Year six pupil Lois from Ladymount Catholic Primary School in Birkenhead, said: "The Hero Hike was really fun and enjoyable.

"I liked finding the different leaves and learning new and interesting facts about Claire House.

"I also liked the biscuit and crisps we got."

At the end of event, all participants were treated to refreshments kindly donated by Rapid Relief Team. To celebrate the end of the day, all pupils, teachers and staff from Claire House had a giant musical statues game with the winner decided by Claire Bear herself.

Emma Liney, community fundraiser for Claire House, said: "We were thrilled to hold our first ever Hero Hike in Delamere Forest.

"We have loved meeting so many of the pupils and introducing Claire House to new young supporters.

"To be able to organise a fun day in the forest for local primary school children, whilst also raising money to support our Claire House families, is truly wonderful.

"After the wonderful feedback we have already received from this event, we are already so excited for next year’s event.”

To enter a Claire House event, email events@clairehouse.org.uk or call 0151 343 0883. For more information about Claire House, visit: www.clairehouse.org.uk