PEOPLE are reportedly avoiding an area over concerns “street drinkers” and anti-social behaviour with claims it’s been made worse by shops selling alcohol.

Mr Balasivamoorthy Krishnamoorthy has applied for a premises licence for the Premier Shop at 82-84 Grange Road West in Birkenhead. The application is for the sale by retail of alcohol for consumption off the premises from Sunday to Saturday between 9am to 11pm and open Sunday to Saturday 7am to 11pm.

The application is coming to a licensing committee meeting on July 17 due to concerns raised about anti-social behaviour and crime in the area by police, local residents, a local community group and councillors. Concerns were also raised more alcohol sales could impact a nearby £12m investment into improving the town centre.

The Premier is also located within an area of central Birkenhead that aims to restrict the amount of premises selling alcohol to reduce problems around crime.

According to a report, Merseyside Police said the number of premises selling alcohol only for consumption off the premises “was having a cumulative impact and leading to problems undermining the licensing objectives, in particular crime and disorder and public nuisance.” Police data for Claughton shows 32 crimes took place in or around the road in April 2024.

Concerns have been raised too by the Westbourne Road Community Association as well as two petitions. They raised concerns about “the number of licensed premises in the area, street drinkers congregating in the vicinity of the premises and anti-social behaviour requiring police intervention which causes local residents to avoid the area.”

The application is also being opposed by Labour and Green councillors in Birkenhead. Claughton councillor Steve Foulkes said: “The area has been subject to anti-social behaviour in the past. Another alcohol outlet will only make things worse and harder to police in the future.”

Birkenhead and Tranmere councillor Pat Cleary said there were “significant issues” in the area and urged councillors to listen to the police arguing the misuse of alcohol “already undermined public safety.”

He said: “Street drinking is a significant source of public nuisance in central Birkenhead. A new licensed alcohol (vendor) will not help. I note this premises is very close to Charing Cross, an area which will soon see significant council investment and public realm improvements. These investments are undermined by alcohol related anti-social behaviour.”