A WOMAN was left “fearful” after she was sexually harassed by a gang of teenage boys in Bidston.

On Monday, July 8, at around 4.30pm a group of five to six men and boys aged between 14 and 25 made inappropriate sexual comments towards a woman who was walking her dog near to Bidston Observatory.

The woman was left feeling fearful and called her husband to the scene so she would not be isolated.

Merseyside Police said enquiries are ongoing.

Detective Inspector Phil Ryan said: “We will be looking to obtain a detailed account from the woman who was targeted by these completely unacceptable remarks and behaviour, which understandably left her scared to walk alone in the area. 

“Our parks and open spaces should never be somewhere women or girls feel unsafe, and we will be looking to identify these males and take appropriate action. 

“If you were in the area of Bidston Hill yesterday and saw the incident or have experienced something similar, please contact us via @MerPolCC or 101.”

Advice on how to report such incidents can be found here: Stalking and harassment | Merseyside Police. Always call 999 if a crime is in progress.