PUPILS from a Wirral primary school have been invited to perform their award-winning poetry at a forthcoming ceremony.

Three year six girls, Faith, Amelia and Daisy, from Devonshire Park Primary Schoo, have been invited to perform and will receive their award at The National Theatre in London. 

Another year six pupil, Dara's work, I Had A Dream, earned her a commendation in The Christopher Salmon Poetry Competition and will be honoured at an awards ceremony at Birkenhead Library.

The three winners of the CLIPPA Shadowing Project are said to have demonstrated 'exceptional' creativity through their performance of the poem Ya need to be able to pin this down from The Final Year by Matt Goodfellow.

Dara, who excelled in The Christopher Salmon Poetry Competition has used poetry as a medium to convey her thoughts and feelings, illustrating the profound impact of poetic expression on young minds.

A school spokesperson said: "The accomplishments of these young poets really highlights the vital role that poetry, oracy, and performance poetry play in primary education".

Oracy, the ability to express oneself fluently, is described as a crucial skill that poetry helps to develop. Through recital and performance, children learn to articulate their thoughts clearly and confidently.

The school spokesperson continued: "The upcoming performances at The National Theatre and Birkenhead Library provide these young poets with invaluable opportunities to hone their oracy skills in front of live audiences.

"This experience not only boosts their confidence but also equips them with essential communication skills that will benefit them in various aspects of their academic and personal lives.

"Performance poetry, in particular, plays a pivotal role in building self-esteem and public speaking abilities.

"The act of performing their work in prestigious venues such as The National Theatre and Birkenhead Library empowers these young poets, instilling a sense of accomplishment and pride.

"By presenting their poems to an audience, they learn to overcome stage fright, engage listeners, and convey their messages with conviction.

These experiences lay a strong foundation for future public speaking and foster a sense of resilience and self-assurance.

Engaging with poetry at a young age fosters a lifelong appreciation for literature and the arts.

A spokesperson for the school said: "The achievements of these four girls highlight the joy and fulfilment that poetry can bring.

"By celebrating their success, we encourage other young students to explore the world of poetry and discover their own voices.

"Poetry competitions and performances serve as platforms for young talents to shine, inspiring a new generation of poets and enthusiasts."

They added: "The accomplishments of these young poets really highlights the vital role that poetry, oracy and performance poetry play in primary education.

"By nurturing creativity, enhancing communication skills, building confidence and cultivating a love for literature, these art forms contribute significantly to the holistic development of young learners.

"As these girls take the stage to perform and receive their well-deserved awards, they represent the power of poetry in shaping young minds and enriching their educational journeys. We are so proud of them all."

Dara said: "Poetry is important in school because you can express yourself without having to worry about punctuation and you can speak in your own dialect." 

Daisy said: "Poetry is important to me because it shows people’s personalities and how people are different in the way we talk. Poetry also helps people talk about their emotions." 

Amelia said: "I feel like poetry plays a big part in my life because you can do whatever you want in poetry like dialect and you can let your emotions out on the paper, plus rap it if you can." 

Faith added: "Poetry is important because it lets you speak freely in your own dialect and express feelings and emotions within your writing on a piece of paper."