TAYLOR Swift, Paul McCartney . . . these are the most-talked about tickets of recent times - add to that list Vincent Van Gogh.

Or to paint a much bigger picture - seeing a stunning, immersive celebration of the genius of the Dutch artist.

I have loved Van Gogh ever since I bought my first ever single - Vincent by Don McLean. It made me want to know more about this unique individual.

And when I eventually saved up enough money to visit the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam it was a dream come true.

Life had come full circle when I heard the Don McLean song played over the speakers - something the singer-songwriter told me himself was a personal achievement. It didn't get much better for him.

Fast forward fifty years to the present day and I am enjoying 'immersing' myself into Van Gogh's works through 'new eyes.'

I appreciate a 19th century painter who became a 21st century icon even more.

I am still speechless at the scale and scope of his 300 paintings - many of which are household images and are seen in varying forms in Beyond Van Gogh.

Before you enter the main hall, a maze of display boards tell the life of Vincent through his quotes, his vision and the emotional letters from his brother Theo.

It is all great preparation to see what lies ahead.

And then it washes over you and your senses.

Wirral Globe's art critic Peter Grant during his visit to 'Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience' which is at the Exhibition Centre Liverpool until July 24Wirral Globe's art critic Peter Grant during his visit to 'Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience' which is at the Exhibition Centre Liverpool until July 24 (Image: courtesy of Peter Grant) We see what Vincent saw and how he communicated his passion and lust for life through his creations.

It is not your usual gallery exhibition where artwork is static on walls - here it comes to life projected onto vast walls.

You are stepping into Vincent's world - the pictures appear and disappear coming alive through vibrant colours, brushstrokes, sketches - his simple signature also emerges in different forms and dominates.

It is touching and melancholy, too.

The whole immersive high-technology experience takes about an hour.

You can stand or sit - whatever way you choose to experience it you will come away with your own feelings.

Van Gogh's greatest hits, so to speak, stimulate our own imaginations from Starry Night to The Potato Eaters and Sunflowers.

We see his bedroom, the cafes, the landscapes and seascapes.

A beautiful soundtrack also features a string version of Don McLean's song.

I was back in time again.

There are the portraits of those ordinary people whom he immortalised as he could not afford models and some of them even blink.

Magical and moving.

And there are his self-portraits. His eyes are very much here with us . . . and here now.

On the walls the clouds move, waves crash and birds fly.

This exhibition will make you want to re-visit his paintings and see just what he wanted to communicate and how he loved life.

Beyond Van Gogh is a must for those who will always love his art.

Verdict: Five Starry starry stars.

It is at the Exhibition Centre Liverpool until July 24.

Details from beyondvangogh.com