STAFF at a Wirral vets have been recognised for their dedication in supporting people as they face saying a final goodbye to their beloved pet.

Acorn Veterinary Centre in West Kirby has received platinum accreditation for its pet bereavement support, which is the highest possible award from Compassion Understood which provides advice and support to both veterinary professionals and clients when pets need end-of-life care.

The practice is part of the Willows Veterinary Group which has also received platinum due to the high number of colleagues at its 23 small animal practices across Cheshire, Manchester, Staffordshire and Wirral who have done, or are completing, the training.

Emma Dugdale, from Willows, said: "End of life care can happen sooner for some patients due to medical emergencies and for others this can be after many years of a happy life.

Willows Veterinary Group registered veterinary nurse Olivia Atlas with a candle and polite notice that lets other people know when someone is saying goodbye to their petWillows Veterinary Group registered veterinary nurse Olivia Atlas with a candle and polite notice that lets other people know when someone is saying goodbye to their pet (Image: Willows Veterinary Group/ VetPartners)

"It is important for pet owners to know that they have support and that we will be there for them during such a difficult time."

Some practices offer to make paw print mementoes for owners, others have Memory Books where clients can write their pet’s name with a personal message, while some teams send personal condolence cards to clients, many of whom they have known for years.