TWO "cowardly" knife wielding robbers left a lone shopkeeper terrified after they raided his convenience store in Birkenhead.

But the duo, who made off with just over £1,000 in cash and stock, were quickly tracked down and are now both behind bars.

Liverpool Crown Court heard that Mark Gardener and Kurtis Lamptey struck at the PSV Food and Wine store in Derby Road, Tranmere on April 21 this year.

Christopher Taylor, prosecuting said: "Both defendants were living in the local YMCA. Both had experienced downturns fuelled by addictions to drink and drugs, which led to a toxic situation where both of them decided they would go to the local convenience store in Tranmere and, quite simply, commit a robbery at knifepoint."

They were captured on CCTV entering the store on Derby Road in Birkenhead on April 21 this year. Gardener, who was wearing a balaclava, demanded "give me the money out of the till, give me the money now" and produced a knife from within his trousers.

Lamptey then began helping himself to money from the till and the two men also took bottles of alcohol and packs of cigarettes.

Before leaving, Gardener warned: "If you say anything I will come back and I'll burn this shop down."

The robbers then returned to their hostel on Whetstone Lane before later being arrested on Argyle Street later the same day. Packets of cigarettes and a bottle of Jack Daniels were subsequently recovered from their rooms. The value of the goods and cash stolen during the incident amounted to a total of £1,158.

David Woods, defending, said that 29-year-old Gardener, who has 11 previous convictions for 21 offences, "You will see a sorry tale in relation to his recent past.”

He said that his life had “gone off the rails. He is someone who has a lot of good qualities. He has two children and he wants to be around to make positive memories of their childhood.”

"He is a man who has previously worked and had a job, a settled background and a family. But he has suffered with his mental health in the past and has administered himself with drugs and drank to excess.

"On a number of occasions, he has committed offences as a result of drinking, and he very much regrets that.

"These offences represent the absolute rock bottom as far as he is concerned. He found himself addicted to drugs, drinking and homeless.”

Charles Lander, defending, told the court that 22-year-old Lamptey, who has two previous convictions, had not covered his face or worn gloves. “ He was always going to get caught.”

Gardener and Lamptey both admitted robbery and possession of a bladed article in a public place. Gardener was jailed for three years and four months and Lamptey received two and a half years.

The judge, Recorder Tania Griffiths KC said, "This was a nasty and cowardly attack on a defenceless shopkeeper who was alone, serving the community with his general store - so invaluable to members of the community. The CCTV footage shows a brief but terrifying incident.

"You, Gardener, took the lead, demanding that he open his till and give you cash. When he froze and failed to obey your demands, you pulled out the knife and threatened him with it, inches from his face.

"You continued to bully and berate him. You, Lamptey, came around the counter and helped yourself to whatever you fancied.

"You both knew there was a ready source of income and reward should you want it. You both took that opportunity on that night."

Recorder Griffiths imposed a two-year serious violence reduction order on Gardener and imposed 10-year restraining orders on both men.