A WIRRAL sixth form art student has sold a piece of his art to help a foodbank in the area.

When Evan Cooper from The Mosslands School in Wallasey wanted to help raise money for the charity, the 17-year-old told his art teacher, Siobhan Connor about his idea and asked how he would go about selling his artwork to raise the money.

Bids flooded in from members of at Mosslands School and the piece of work, a painting a called Memories , inspired by The Beatles' hit In My Life sold for £100.

All proceeds will donated to our local food bank.

Miss Connor told the Globe: "When told his painting had sold for £100, Evan said he was shocked, adding: "I can buy so much food for people" which shows the kind community spirit he has.

"Thankyou Evan for your community spirit. Incredible talent for a great cause!" His kindness and community spirit are an inspiration."