A TALK giving an update on the hunt for a Viking ship buried beneath a Wirral pub car park will take place at a church in Meols. 

It has long been believed that a Nordic boat is buried beneath the site at the Railway Inn in Meols after its remains were allegedly unearthed by workmen digging the foundations of the pub back in 1938.

The story goes that the workmen were told to cover up their discovery and rebury their find but one of them drew a map of the boat's whereabouts which survives to this day.

A professional archaeological investigation aiming to reveal whether the remains are still intact began at the site earlier this year. 

An illustrated talk to bring residents up to date on the results will be given at St. Andrew’s Church, Greenwood Road, Meols CH47 6AD on Tuesday, June 25 between 3-5 pm.

In the event of there being too many requests for tickets, it is hoped to give the same talk the following afternoon at the same venue.

The talk will be introduced by local resident Tim Baldock, after which lead archaeologist, Dr Chas Jones and lead scientist, Professor Steve Harding, from Nottingham University, will give more detailed updates about the hunt for the ancient boat.

For admission to this talk you must email: meolsboat@gmail.com

Please make sure that you receive a reply confirming that you have (or have not) secured seats at this event. There is no admission without prior application.