PLANS to add a single-storey extension onto a former Wirral café as part of the town's regeneration have been submitted for consideration by councillors.

If approved, the existing single-storey conservatory at 8 Dee Lane - part of the one-time Lattetude Cafe - will be demolished and replaced with a new-build 'extension' of the adjacent building at 10 Dee Lane, which is currently under construction.

According to a design and access statement submitted by DK-Architects with the planning application, the site currently houses a vacant cafe unit at ground floor and is comprised of a brick-built two-and-a-half storey Victorian property with bay window frontage and a conservatory style single storey extension.

Above the cafe unit is a residential apartment over two storeys with a deck to the rear. The application covers changes to the ground floor accommodation only.

In its design and access statement, DK-Architects said the aim of the planned extension was "to revitalise this area of street frontage by building upon the opportunities of the new-build commercial units currently under construction on the adjacent site".

It added: "By demolishing the tired and dated single-storey conservatory and extending the ground floor of the adjacent building to meet the retained Victorian building, the commercial offer can be reinstated, but in a high-quality and contemporary way.

"This will offer a significant visual improvement to the street frontage in general.

"The development will create an attractive and sought-after commercial offer to invigorate this key towncentre route, whilst also connecting the adjacent new-build scheme to the retained Victorian property in a sensitive and appropriate way.

"The site sits in a popular area of West Kirby within a couple of minutes walk of the train station and on one of the main access routes to the beach providing sufficient volumes of passing foot-traffic to create a sustainable commercial offer.

"There is also a large residential population in this area that will also benefit from access within walking distance to the site.

"The proposed materials of the project will be consistent with the proposal under construction adjacent to the site to create the appearance that they are the same building."

For more details on the application, go to: